About netart repository

From zentrum für netzkunst
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The net art repository based on wikibase software was created withtin the scope of the reconstruction project "without addresses" in 2024. It is a database storing records on reconstruction activities of Zentrum für Netzkunst. Taking the reconstruction of without addresses as a modelling case study, the net art repository was build in such a way to acommodate future reconstruction and documentation effords. Taking the Rhizome's artbase as a starting point, net art repository has been expanded by further vocabulary to describe secondary documentation of net art.

Past net art detabases
Combination of written pages and structured data
Focus on detailed description of individual net art pieces
Secondary documentation material
Further extension and improvement

Since the net art repository was set up in the frame of a reconstruction project which had only limited resources dedicated to the wiki creation. In the future we would love to move this cloudbased instance to our own server, which would improve the wiki experience. It would allow as to directl embed all the media, which would be aspecially beneficial for the secondary image and video material that we collected. It would also be possible to build a custom designed front-end to make the browse-experiene more pleasent. It would also ensure that all the data is stored on our native artist run server. We hope there will be an opportunity to acquire financial resources to make this possible.

Controlled Vocabulary

- orientieren sich an Rhizome, aber das es da Fragen gibt - Wie genau kann man Variants definieren, Website als performatives/zeitbasiertes Medium, wie können diese unterschiedliche Zustände dargestellt werden?